รายชื่อบทความงานประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติ ครั้งที่ 13 (มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐม)
ระหว่างวันที่ 8 – 9 กรกฎาคม 2564 รูปแบบออนไลน์

 ชื่อบทความภาษาไทย การศึกษาทัศนคติของผู้บริโภค Gen Z ไทยที่มีต่อ Circular Fashion ในกรุงเทพฯประเทศไทย
 ชื่อบทความภาษาอังกฤษ (Title) A Study on Thai Gen Z Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Circular Fashion Based in Bangkok, Thailand
 ชื่อผู้เขียนภาษาไทย (Authors TH) นางสาวภัสสร เดวี่ส์, นางสาวภัทรา เดวี่ส์ , อ.ดร.ดำรงค์ อดุลยฤทธิกุล,
 ชื่อผู้เขียนภาษาอังกฤษ (Authors EN) Patson Davies, Patra Davies , Dumrong Adunyarittigun,
This study aimed to explore the attitudes, awareness, and purchasing decisions of Thai Gen Zs in Bangkok, Thailand towards second-hand clothing. Online survey questionaries and four Zoom in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the quantitative and qualitative data. 177 participants, whose ages between 18 and 25 years old, joined the study to examine their awareness of circular fashion. However, 139 participants were second-hand clothing users. The ABC (Affective, Behavioral, Cognitive) Model of Attitudes Framework and Consumer Purchasing-Decision Model were used as a study framework. Results revealed that Thai Gen Zs attitudes on second-hand items of clothing were generally positive due to the affordability and the uniqueness of second-hand clothing. However, they were not predominantly motivated by the eco-conscious factor. While non-users said they have perceived hygiene and quality concerns. Moreover, only half of the participants were aware of the term circular fashion before.
 คำสำคัญภาษาไทย Circular Fashion, Second-Hand Clothing, ABC Model of Attitudes Framework, All Port’s Purchase Decision, Gen Z
 Abstract This study aimed to explore the attitudes, awareness, and purchasing decisions of Thai Gen Zs in Bangkok, Thailand towards second-hand clothing. Online survey questionaries and four Zoom in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the quantitative and qualitative data. 177 participants, whose ages between 18 and 25 years old, joined the study to examine their awareness of circular fashion. However, 139 participants were second-hand clothing users. The ABC (Affective, Behavioral, Cognitive) Model of Attitudes Framework and Consumer Purchasing-Decision Model were used as a study framework. Results revealed that Thai Gen Zs attitudes on second-hand items of clothing were generally positive due to the affordability and the uniqueness of second-hand clothing. However, they were not predominantly motivated by the eco-conscious factor. While non-users said they have perceived hygiene and quality concerns. Moreover, only half of the participants were aware of the term circular fashion before.
 Keyword Circular Fashion, Second-Hand Clothing, ABC Model of Attitudes Framework, All Port’s Purchase Decision, Gen Z
 กลุ่มของบทความ สาธารณสุข สุขภาวะชุมชน และอนามัยสิ่งแวดล้อม
 รูปแบบการนำเสนอ Poster
 รูปแบบของบทความ บทความวิจัย
Publication date 8 - 9 กรกฎาคม 2564